15. Equipment getting hot has staff frantically ringing alarms (9) a?f?i?n?s 26. A pair of boys penning a brief newspaper item (8,2) ?e???n??ad 22. Alas back away from healthy snack, finding rum (5)...
6. Rows about tense fellow in East End headgear (7) T?T?E?S 4. No yen for the other in the corner! (4) n?o? 20. Extension overlooking army unit is furthest from the centre (7) E?P?E?E
5. Lethargy shown by sheep in affliction, energy lacking (6) ???P?R 18. Novel that's reportedly never read on the road (7,5) f???v?r?m??? 28. Knight, say, is a madman (6) N???E?
5. Lethargy shown by sheep in affliction, energy lacking (6) ???P?R 18. Novel that's reportedly never read on the road (7,5) f???v?r?m??? 28. Knight, say, is a madman (6) N???E?
1. A channel without water, reportedly (6) ?t?a?? 14. A month before I'd left a gap in the paper (6) ?c?a?? 4. Simple to obtain a port, in Spain (9) ??r?a???a
5. Trace up to the time of being captured by travelling Incas (9) s?i?t???g 15. Topless sweethearts' ball is a recipe for such excess? (9) overs?p?? 6. One who became Falstaff's companion following a...