Since my transplant I've received no help from the renal social workers (they all went off sick together and still aren't back 5 months on). I have little money for food and bills, and yet there they...
Are built into the price. There is a Blackberry Curve on offer for £25 a month and you can get a Wii. Do you have to buy extra things to go with a Wii?
My friends 80 year old neighbour went to a shelter and was given 2 cats. They were then taken back for an alleged skin complaint which lead to one being put down, they are refusing to return the...
How would you make friends that didn't involve going to church or joining a dating agency? You are not allowed to say social media sites such as Face Book. There is no prize for answering this...
I need a new job, the one I'm in isn't regular, the people I work for are greedy and dishonest. Plus, is it true council and NHS jobs are offered to current employees first?
I had a kidney transpant 2/9/11, about 3 weeks after I sent a thank you card to the boys parents. Do I send a Christmas card bearing in mind their son only died in September? Not sure what to do.
I would never wear fur and only wear faux, after I have confirmed where the material has come from. I went into a shop last year and the shop assistant agressively and loudly shouted "I hope that...
Cant find the white 5ft fibre optic Christmas tree I bought last year, nor can I find the huge box of decorations? Not in the shed, the cupboard under the stairs or in the loft. How can you lose a 5ft... Isnt it sad they have to advertise on Ebay for food? Instead of the tinsel I bought a cat and dog a Christmas dinner. No doubt they will be flooded after...