36 a . In archery and shooting, section of the target next to the band ( 5) i?n?r 4 d . An organised group of Brownies ( 4) ?A?K 54A . a RANGE OF FREQUENCIES ( 4) b?n? Can someone help please....
Here are today's shaded clues for you - 32a Conservative politician who served as Prime Minister following the resignation of Margaret Thatcher [5] 43a Stem of an asparagus or broccoli [5] 6d Another...
Last two 30ac Historically, a letter of authority from a monarch or a pope; also a diacritical mark resembling a rounded caron (5) B?E?E BREVE? 16ac Term for freshly-generated atomic number 1 in a...
Struggling on last one: 41A Greek word for Ariadne's ball of thread that led Theseus out of Minotaur's labyrinth (4) C_E_ Help appreciated so I can catch Saturday post with 2nd class stamp!
9d Musical entertainment performed betweed acts of play ( 10) I?T?R???Z? ( Interlude clashes with 25a Hazlitt Please help 20a An overseas territory of the UK, around 22 kms from France ( 6) ???s?Y 27d...
36a King in Greek Mythology who could turn anything into gold ( 4) ?M?S It cannot be MIDAS as in the same crossword there is another clue 33A Greedy king of Pessinus, Phrygia ( 5) This answer is...