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Down to my last two clues and time to start kicking myself no doubt. 10A One denies anger or tears (7) N_G_T_R ~ I'm thinking 'negator', but I can't parse the clue. 16D What many Ascot gentlemen have...
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56A Cause of a disease and a pill that's appropriate - G_R_A_E. I guess it's germane (appropriate) but can't figure the second part of the wordplay, presuming 'Cause' or 'Cause of disease' accounts...
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Hi Like many others here I'm pathologically unable to post any prize crossword unless I can parse all the answers! 7D Fan letter opened by X D_V_T_E is almost certainly devotee, 'fan', but I cannot...
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think we're OK on the xword, but clue of the week? You may see this used in mixed doubles 3, first letter L) is 'let' too easy or obvious? thanks in advance to all those who've probably emailed or...

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