11 ACROSS: RESUPPLY (7) 14 ACROSS: AUTHORITARIAN CODE (5) 20 DOWN: OFFICIAL LANGUAGE OF BANGLADESH (7) Have gone wrong somewhere and cannot sort it out - any help would be greatly appreciated.
15 down: relating to the ear (and its diseases) (10): 24 across: strength, resource (5): 19 across: conventional, traditional (8): many thanks in advance for the help
10 across: an optical device that projects an enlarged version of an opaque object onto a screen by means of reflected light. (8) e?i??o?e many thanks in advance
help please - having a mental block!! 3 down: loose, usually black head-to-toe robe worn by muslim women (6)?h?d?r 25 across: appease, pacify ?e?s?o? many thanks in advance
8 down essential factor (2,3,3,3,3) 12 across rotating tools used in square bashing (6) ?r???? 2 down classes, categories (6) ?e?r?? many thanks in advance