i run a small pre-school and we would love a permanent whiteboard, on the wall,in our outdoor play area. As I can't find one anywhere, i thought about buying a sheet of white perspex, or similar. I...
i have one of these and really like it. I have a little symbol at the top of my screen, next to the sygnal indicator. It's a blue square with H in it. I can't find out what this means. It's not in the...
my 14 year old has terrible spots all over his face. How can you tell when it's more than just teenage spots? I remember seeing something on this morning years ago, about how young people needn't put...
is it me?? Every time i see this woman on telly, i feel like giving her hair a bloody good brush! Is it the fashion to have it all scrunched up at the back? The other stewedesses have their hair...
if someone is accused of a crime, and they are given a date for court, but it's ages off, under what circumstances can they be refused bail? D'ya know what I mean? There hasn't been a case in court...
we get loads of these at night, despite putting copious amounts of salt down. Now I've discovered slug trails on the INSIDE of one of my cupboards. I feel absolutely sick. How can we get rid of them -...
What make is it and would you recommend it? I've never had one before, and am now totally confused by the choice on amazon! The customer reviews often contradict each other!
I nipped out in my lunch and bought some strawberries, blueberries and a flan case. I thought I had some quick gel in the cupboard! What can I do? I've got regular jelly, custard, whipping and double...
I have put my jam in the tupperware pots. How long will it keep? I suppose I'll have to give it all away :( If I get some jars tomorrow, would that work? I really appreciate your advice! x