where do you enter registration info for quicktime pro .? (7) I have my passwords recorded but deleted the e-mail in error before i had time to read the other bits I needed. Help please as Apple are...
My brother is currently in hospital with an awful lot of stones. He's sure to have his gall bladder removed. We got on the subject of drinking, he currently enjoyes several lagers but now has been...
Hi I'm about to subscribe to undertake training to become a plumber. Has anyone had experience of this,good or bad ? Do you know anyone who has used one of the career training firms in the UK.? These...
My daughter has a standard video recorder, she can record programmes from the tv by pressing the record button but cannot get it to record on the timed recording setting. The clock is set right and as...
We were out for a meal tonight and a complimentary dish of fruit was served at the end of the meal. My daughter is pregnant and I told her not to eat the strawberries because of her condition....
What colour will the live8 wristbands be? Are there any colours left ? How much will they cost at launch and, when none available, how much on e-bay ?____________________________________________...
I have been voting for a lot of years and only yesterday did i realise that my vote is not done anonymously. my polling card has a number on it , passed to another clerk , recorded on the counterfoil...
We mated our Shar-Pei seven weeks ago.It wasn't great.We want to know how should a dog look at 7 weeks. She has slightly enlarged teats at the back but no swollen tum or anything. can you help please...