Just one letter to go - driving me nuts! 18a Being excited with Pompeii, perhaps, but missing half of it, such as the streets? (5) . I have RUTT?. Feels as though it should have something to do with...
I'm having trouble with bottom right corner today, and must not waste any more time on it! - help, please! 23a Excellent thing, having service in front of university church (8) N???S??? 28a Programme...
Have it completed, but can anyone explain 31a: Something stale about chaff found in American grain store (4,4) ?O?R? ?R?B. I have 'corn grub' (rub = chaff), but don't understand the rest. 36a: Fortune...
8ac: Search for public transport involves run that's shortest (9) B?U?????? 22dn: Outlaw utensilthat cooks, so its said, school snacks (5,4) ??I?? ???K Any help appreciated!
I can't get a toe-hold into the top left-hand corner, so would much appreciate a hint or two! Main problem is1d: One's comfortable? Blow me - that's outrageous! (6). I have 'wellie' on the brain, but...
Sorry to be a pain - I'm posting again! 14a Charles follows the book in Indian state (6) ?ircar. Is it Circar or Sircar (alternative spellings of Indian state)? If anyone knows, can they please...
I am struggling today. Hopefully someone can help me with 18d because I am stuck in that bottom right corner. Refrain from climbing section of unexplored loft (8) ?o???r??
1 ac Hearty pledge to retain the odd fixture for bowler? (6) h????? 9 ac Drink and meal brought round spread on bed shortly (7) t?????a 26 ac Accept a welcome round.(5,2) a???? ?o Any help...
Just two letters to go, but come to a cul-de-sac! 11d See us in shady spot, endlessly going over code (4) LA?S (laws?); and 27d Ditch briefly not filled up (4) R?EN (I have rien, but what is ditch?).
Last two 16ac Hamish's regretfullyadmitting English into fine agency (5) I have ?EAR? 11dn Once reach balk with fifth of safeties (4) I have HE?? Any help appreciated
25dn. Boy running off with pig almost closed motorway.(3) T?M I think this must be Tom from a nursery rhyme, but can't see the cryptic bit other than m for motorway. 13dn. Best candidates imagined...