cann anybody help? 15 across in Saturday\s daily Telegraph Big Prize crossword. Clue: tree stump from which shoots spring I have S?O?L Thank you in advance Crosspatch
GK brainteaser Sat telegraph 24/1/09 Can anybody help?Aromatic plant of the mint family 28 down I have : ???S?A possibl ?Y?S?A Grateful thanks in advance. Crosspatch
Have nearly finished Big crossword out of SUn Nov 23 Telegraph LIFE Section - and realised with horror I ain't got a clue who the performers are in Picture E. I have letters ALCLELMBAHI and these must...
11 down In BrainGame Saturday Telegraph Giant Crossword November 22 (today): 7 letters, Scottish comedian. I have T???E?E or C???E?E Can anybody help?? Grateful thanks from Crosspatch
It is an answer to the question I posed on 22 down: I think the failure or absence of digestive system = APEPSY. Hope this may help somebody else!! regrds Crosspatch
Does anybody know the 1966 Tony Curtis film: 3 down in Seven of Sunday Telegraph: letters = 4 4 and 7 I have ?R??/ ?E?D / ?A?L?N? Something with Darling?? Any help gratefully received. From Crosspatch
store of valuables: ????E I am stuck with this. If bistro is right for 20 down, then my leters are T???E but I can't find anything that means store of valuables except Cache?? Cany anybody help?...
Sat Telegrapj June 28 Weekemd GK 24 d 8 letters I have ?O?A?E?R CLUE: licensed boatman from 1681, who transported passengers and goods to and from fur-trading posts in Canda. Many thanks to all who...
Saturday June 29 weekend GK Crossword: 24d: Licensed boatman from 1681, who transported passengers and goods to and from fur-trading posts in Canada. Cany anybody help? Grateful thanks in advance from...
40a Pointed end of a knife, sword or chisel, that fits into and is held secure by the handle. I have ?A?G (4 letters)
Can anyone help? Many thanks from Crosspatch
Can anyone solve17 d in Monday April 7 Herculis? ''Lark-like bird with streaky plumage.'' I have E?P?T Many thanks in advance, but I am beginning to think crossword setters have made a mistake....
Anybody know the answer to P?A?E - all I have got so far for light specialist horseshoe for race horses; Mondays Daily Telegraph herculis Crossword 25 down 5 letters Many thanks in anticipation!
Any ideas on red/white grape used in winemaking in italy Also : excess of blood in part of the body Also:evergree mediterranean shrub with purple berries?? Many thanks in advance
16 across : In botany, having leaflets in pairs 6 letters and 16 down: deciding round in gymkhana 4+3 letters. Cannot sort it out! Many thanks to anyone who can help
Telegraph Sat GK Crosswrd 40d : underwater tropical creature that can grow to lengths of 20-30 feet I have O?R?I?H Any answers? Many thanks, you out there!
Right of a warring country to destroy or seize neutral property if full compensation is paid. Sat Telegraph GK Crossword 6 letters I have -N-A-Y Any answers anybody? Many thanks