I've been sending in the Mail on Sunday prize crossword for the last 8 years every week without fail (except when on holiday). Not a sniff!! Has anyone out there won or knows of anyone who actually...
mos 9a cactus like tree of mexico 11a projection of the thyroid c\rtlage etc. 15a relating to the greek mathamatician etc. `0d another word for penpentateuch thankyou in anticipation
A few to do, long, hard day. 10ac Sort out early parking by back area. ???a ???n?e. 24 ac, lawman has right to cleaner plane (4,6) c??? ??s?e? 26 ac, mission to guard second access to tax. S?????...
I think getting to understand these a bit more now: Is 15a MANIA as Tas(mania)n reveals madness and 10a SKIT as Parody second lot of equipment second =s and equipment = kit ?
hi can any one tell me the answers to 29 across showjumper who represented great britain in 1968 also 40 down river in central russia rising in the mountains. reet
13a diamonds some distance from coastal feature I?E ?O?T (3-4) 24A animal finds food to have consequences S??? FRUIT (4-5) ALSO 15d link in cat-free conditions i?t?r???e. HAVING TROUBLE WITH IT TODAY....