Anyone looking for a new challenge (no prize crossword as far as I can see) might want to have a look here: There are some beautifully crafted clues and the style...
It's the short words that flummox me!
31 DOWN Bustle about wife fell (4)
Not many words that fit, but my tired brain can't put it together.
Thanks in advance....
Hi Need to confirm 2 solutions and explanations 5 DOWN The old man sounded guarded, walking around (9)(8) PATOLLED i.e. PATROLLED after 'R' dropped as per preamble 17 ACROSS Terriers, hounds by the...
29d Note income support racket as before (4) ?TIS
Is it ITIS? If so why?
It is the last letter needed to finish - must have used up all available brain!...
Three left requiring one letter! Each!! 2dn This could be Wellingtonboot mark made from move made by man (4) Chess, presumably? I have ARC? 9dn Policeman covering not up for early post (5) I have...
Just one to go... 4 DOWN "Men's E_T_ _A_ I _N (10 letters) follows us according to the company we keep" (Richard Steele, The Specator) Short of scanning all Steele's works in the Gutenberg...
Good Morning All.
Here is a link to 'The Inner Light' by Columba. It can be found on page 51
Bradford was very useful for this puzzle.
25 across. Clue: Remainder left inside -- one of 28 here (4). I have ?L?E. I thought ELSE but don't know why. L for left ok. ESE? East south-east? 28 has me puzzled as there is no clue that high. Help...
There appears to be a problem with the Spectator site as my copy omitted half the grid. Even though I was able to draw in the missing squares and complete the puzzle, I hope that someone with a PDF...
Feeling lazy so need help with last two...
3 DOWN Scottish fruit in season is up (5)
SLA_ _
which intersects with
12 ACROSS Hang about in Jamaica for cement (4)
LI _ _
Thanks in advance....