All answers are contain at least one word associated with water 1 Area of reddish pigment? 4,8 2 Right during a number he sends one to sleep 6,4 3 Create fortune via tin 5,8 Many thanks
3 guys sharing a flat decide to buy a second hand TV. They each put in ?10 and get one for ?30. The TV salesman tells his boss who informs him that the TV was actually priced at ?25 and to give them a...
Can anyone assist please? The clue leads to the name of a backing group. The name of the complete act has to be given eg Freddie and the Dreamers. Gary and Minty. Kniphofia uvaria. (this is red hot...
Stuck on 22a - Tie a vet up in a plane (7 letters) (presumably anagram of 'tie a vet') I have A?I?T?E I can only make aviatte which I am unable to confirm is a word. Am I wrong alsewhere with the...
17)CINDER TONGS.............a place in Lincs 14)Who was the first Hollywood actress to demand & receive a 1million dollar fee for a single film? Finish the sequence(please explain why) 3)H,H,L,B,B,?...
help wanted pls:_ 1.whats left when raising objections ? ST - B [ 4 letters] if STUB why ? 2.dont be best man L - SE [4 letters] LOSE also why ? many tks Dee
I've asked these before but there's only 3 left and the closing date for entries is the 30th, so your help is appreciated. The answers are all towns. Spanish sugar Alas, prohibit all Famous pilot with...
Hello, please can someone help me out, as I have nearly completed the puzzle but I must have messed up somewhere, as the letter Z does not correspond to the grid. I am missing letter no 20, but this...
a) Clue is "BLUR at the edges" b) Clue is "SK Underwear" c) Clue is Cor + Beet d) Clue is Shy Fungi e) For Chocolate masechists, and f) T.G.I.G. Hope you can help! and thanks in advance.