Araucaria has cheated here. The answer to 19a is I Die a (little) but these are NOT the correct lyrics which are I EVEN die a little. So the solver is tricked into trying " I cry a little"...
Can anyone help with the following All need to have one word removed from the clue Thailand forester cut down outstanding aged conifers (8) Happy to drink tonic water following a party (8, two words)...
Can you please help? I am stuck on the following: 25a. Spelling to good purpose playing with game, I see (5,5) 28a. Brass piece that introduces cooler food (7) 22d. He gives liitle away in daring...
Wow. Absolutely brilliant. I tried to rotate the rings mentally, but got out the scissors after a few minutes. Then half my letters were upside down, so I printed out a new grid and re-filled it. An...
Evening all. I've just finished the latest Baffler, at last, after spending most of the day finding half the answers on the internet! I just wondered if anyone was stuck with any of the clues; only...
Elementary, indeed. An easily guessed theme as far as resolving the ambiguities is concerned, leading to a very quick grid fill. The most interesting thing about it was checking the statements against...