The suggested solution to the Bare Bones crossword is posted on If you are on Facebook, there's a page dedicated to the crossword. We've been running for several years:...
Opera composer, a German and once a very important one we hear(6) *E*S*R Reported worshipper telling tales of Viking warriors(8) *R*S*I*N I think the second is Prussian, but why? Denseness has taken...
I need one more answer to this quiz.
The clue is "Action by Sy, At, Be, Lo, ? 15
The answer sould relate to Summertime.
Thanks for any suggestions.
Sorry, no letters anywhere :
29A Against resistance director's keeping way ahead (8)
20D Cover large stomach (5)
32D Capital earl invested in Hermitage (5)
If you want the solution, there's a page dedicated just to the MoS Bare Bones crossword. We've been running for several years. Give it a try on or just google...
To all those who thought last Saturday's puzzle grid was incorrect . Was expecting an apology but no they printed a solution - DEFINITELY NOT SYMMETRICAL - example FLATTERY starting on the left hand...