can anyone tell me the answer is it ( ring or grin ) as after rearanging the letters as they say , the answer in every issue always has 2 answers .so no one knows which to enter....
As there are no post collections until Tuesday owing to bank holiday,how many entries are going to arrive before 23.59pm Thursday,even posting 1st class?
Has anyone done the word link on page 29 as I cant seem to finish it blank-blank-blank-STUDIO-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank-UP-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank-blank Words to use...
The answer to 24a "English playwright's appeal's supported" has been given as osbourne with appeal's being o's. How does that work , please ? Ie how does appeal =o?...
Looks like the Mail on Sunday You crossword diminished when we had to phone it through. The have reinstated the postal way. Maybe people like me refused to make phone calls....
For those who don't receive CAM in the post, the Lent Crossword, 'One or Other' by Wan, is now online (page 48):