66a Sally Gunnell's married name ---- Ithought it was Biggs 73a Racing Bird ---r--h (7) 66d My dear old thing(7)-l------ 78d Back markerin the trials perhaps (6)
Last answer. There seems to be a lot of confusion over this question. SPORT. 31. What sporting distinction did the following all achieve: Hugh Laurie, Lord Jeffrey Archer, Kris Kristofferson, Frank...
I notice that we have the usual load of tripe called the "carry on "films as a major part of the Christmas TV offerring. Am I the only person to think that these films are complete and utter rubbish...
I will write the question as it is on the sheet, but the date worries me. 'Rudyard Kipling wrote the first one in 1952. Nowadays we still have it. What do we call it now (colloquially!) (Could be...
So , French police have all of a sudden carried out a test on the blood of the chauffeur again , which now ' proves' he was drunk . Surely a blood test to ascetain if someone is drunk or not isn't a...
in fortunate poition ..e.t 5 use of ink blots to assess mental state r.r...a.h ...t 9,4 a variety of the greengage m.r...l.. 9 ------ acid vitamin of the b compound n...t.n.c 9