Reform leader Farage, has now earned £571,585 on top of his MPs salary in just under six months from external engagements. An average worker in Clacton the constituency Nine jobs represents would ... ...
Just a bit of light hearted fun. But how many artists or bands can you list that have a colour in their name, or their whole name is just one colour. I will start everyone off with: Deep... ...
Can you help? We are taking my in-laws to Copenhagen for a very special celebration. I'm designing something on A4 that will go into MIL's birthday card with hints and clues. The opening line needs... ...
Ladies, Do you use serum and moisturiser together, or one or the other? I tend to use serum one day and moisturiser the next day. Do I need both at the same time?
We seem to have very little here (W Mids). Certainly nothing that merits the severe weather warnings we've had. MET office being over-cautious? What's it like at yours?
Crocodile Dundee, in new york when he gets out of the Limo, he asks the driver "what's your tribe?" - that line was cut! FGS the idea is the character is an aussie back woodsman! ^&%$ing... ... 20 from one council, what a disaster this government is. Even their own members are struggling to stay on board. ...
Look south west, find the moon, bright object above and to the left: ...
Sir Winston Churchill Sir Edward Elgar Sir Isaac Newton Sir Ernest Shackleton........... Sir Gareth Southgate a knighthood for what exactly? Not winning anything? How low we have sunk.
I have always had a fear of flying and have avoided it for ages. However on 2 occasions when I have travelled by plane all the passengers have clapped upon landing. If planes are expected to land... ...