What in your daily lives would you say gives you the feelgood feeling? mine is when my little grandson climbs on my knee and says " I love you Grandma" that to me is priceless.
whats one of the funniest things they've said,we took my son to a farm and he stood and watched two pot bellied pigs trying to have sex,i was trying to pull him away and he said'are they doing a magic...
I know i will kick myself but these are driving me crazy, please help! 19d Ken goes round in seconds with Mike- they are in the same race (7) K*N***N 20d Sounds like the king brings about ruin (6)...
Just to say hi to all as i`m a CB Virgin, interesting so far! is this what they mean by care in the community. Hope to be a part of this site for a good while to come.
I keep losing my signal ( 3 network via dongle ) The message keeps saying theres an error and then the number 32 . Whats this 32 thing all about . Anyone ?
being a long - term mistress or 'bit on the side'........I was talking to a friend about this as we have both known women in this situation. WE think it is an utter waste of time... and what of the...
Which celebrity do you hate most and why? I hate Garry Glitter most because of what he did to all those poor children. Sexual assualt is NOT acceptablle. What about you? Who do you hate most?
The winner was Glynn Purnell which I was very pleased about as (1) his menu was what I would have preferred if I was returning home after a long time abroad (2) the attitude of Daniel Clifford was...
I had my hair highlighted by this hairdresser and I love the colour of it but on Sat I had it cut at the same place with the same lady and I really don't like it. What do u do when u don't like the...