I have read what you have said to me earlier on and digested it and thought about it and all I can say that is that is not the normal things that you say about me. You actually seemend to be a bit...
whats the name of the old computer game im thinking commodore but might be wrong, like the frogger game era. there was an aeroplane going from side to side across the screnn and you had to drop bombs...
Anyone interested in an AB outing to this exhibition?? Personally, I feel we could do with a little culture in our lives! http://mypenisandeveryoneelses.com/index.php?i d=5 :D
Wa hay. I have just bought of couple of front row tickets for Brian Wilson at Kenwood House, Hampstead for June!!! There are still plent available at only ?36 each WHAT A BARGAIN!!!!!. As this is a...
I picked up the above minidisc player/recorder secondhand, with the intention of using it to record interviews in my capacity as a freelance writer. I also bought a Sony ECM-DS70P microphone for use...
hopefully come the end of july this year i'll be 18, and i shall be able to have a debit card and use ebay legally, (parents permitting) and of course have a drink. I intend to buy things and sell...
Watching the latest trailer for doctor who. now i might be being a bit shallow ?i dunno .maybe you can telll me .but the doctor didnt get down n dirty with rose tyler . so why is it looking like hes...
How's about drawing a line regarding our disputes on here? I would like to think i've proved that i'm not one of those trolls you accuse me of so frequently. When we have one of our spats, it just...
Do you have any plans for tomorrow? I will be spending it with my boys and girlfriend, my mum will be popping over to see the boys (weather permitting) How will you be spending the day?
But the trolls are back it has been a good night on here until the freaks have turned up up to spoil it so see ya all manana will leave all the thickoes to slug it out amongst themselves G'night all...
nytol ive enjoyed tonight. i hope youve had the time of your life ? but think twice thats my only advice hope to see you alll again . may your god , or your drink go with you . nite xxxxxxx