u can romance them - or u can get them to make u laugh or u can get them to discuss their differences so please tell me who would u choose and in what circumstances - ie - they make me laugh - come on...
Who detestes whiffey and I know a lot of you you do but have you got the guts to say that you do as it is the biggest wimp on here and it should be banished to hell where it belongs
Even after all that has happened tonight, a lot of the regulars will be on tomorrow and defend the likes of Knob and Wee Willie. That is beyond my comprehension, i was insulted whilst i wasn't...
I'm so glad you've outed,me. I feel so much better now. Just one question though, How do i explain this sudden conversion to my 3 sons and girlfriend? I would like the view of someone that has already...
dabees and scorpious and webrats and all the other planktons of course so come on thern trolls attack me you fuking freaks and that means you as well whifey as well with your newsdick and your monkey...
My PC has trouble booting. I have Windows XP (home addition). I've tried lots of things, like starting up in 'safe mode', scanning my hard drive, getting dust out of my tower, restoring to a previous...
I've seen many reports about him, but what is he actually accused of? http://www.fbi.gov/wanted/topten/fugitives/lad en.htm The FBI don't want him for the alleged acts of 9/11, so who does? He was an...
Why are there always martyrs in the workplace who insist on coming to work sick? They cough and moan all over and brag about never being out and then I use the phone they just hacked all over and...
What is it about ANSWERBANK and some of its less intelligent users , that they think its funny , nay hilarious , to post that folk are child sexual abusers and kiddy fiddlers ? What sort of inadequate...
The song won't rhyme, but what else is different? Except peoples outrage? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=u0jxHB3E710 Where has the power of disagreement gone? We seem afraid to protest nowadays, Why?...