11A is An Account, Report or story as of events, experiences etc It has 9 Letters the 6th is Definitely T and the 9th is definitely E everywhere says it is NARRATIVE but 5D is In Muisic to be played...
38D Oval Purple, yellow or green fruit containing an oval stone 4 LETTERS ?G?? Google told me it is Ugli but if 42 Across is Mayfly it can't be or is 42 Across something else? 42A Insect with a long...
5A Diplomatic ministers of the highest rank, acredited as permanent representatives to another country or sovereign 11LETTERS ???A?S?D?RE 10A Designated or cooked in a sauce consisting of white wine...
12A A Large Compound leaf, especially a fem 5 LETTERS FRON? 14A _ bells, an orchestral percussion instrument of 18 chromatically tuned metal tubes suspended vertically, struck from the top 7 LETTERS...
think of this example A person Dressed in 1920s style in a 50s Snack Bar wood be out of place but there is a word for it I can't think of, I don't know how many letters it is and it is not a Crossword...
34A Aquatic bird with dark plumage and a slender hooked beak 9 LETTERS C??M??A?T 3D A Ruminant Mammal of Central Africa with a reddish-brown coat and stripes on the legs 5 LETTERS O?A?? And is 26D...
5A Power Operated cutting tools consisting of endless toothed metal belts running over and driven by two wheels 4, 4. B?N? S?W? 22D In Motor Racing, a short section of sharp narrow bends on a circuit...