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1. Confidential meeting 9 LETTERS CA?E? 2. Medium-sized, smooth-haired breed of dog with a short nose 3. 2-wheeled ,1 horsed carriage with a foxed hood6 LETTERS H?N??T 4. light sensitive membrane...
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Fruit similar to Tangerines. 11 LETTERS ??E??N??N?S
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1. A leap in Ballet during which the dancer repeatedly crosses or beats togethert his feet. 9 LETTERS ?N?A? 2. Gelatenous carbohydrate obtained from seaweeds. 4 LETTERS A?AR 3. A Person's manner or...
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1. Either of 2 wings of a cruciform churc, at right angles to the nave. 9 Letters ?R??S?P? 2. Anotgher name for a manta 9 Letters D??I??I?H 3. Woodland Plant with yellow flowers , also called Paigle...
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1.Dark Volcanic Glass Formed by the very rapid solification of lava. ???I?N?? 2. A Wading Bird which has a long, thin down-curved neck.. I???
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1.Asian citrus Tree cultivated for its orange-like fruits. 9 Letters T?L??R??S 2.Large Gun Dog that can be trasined to recover Game 9 Letters R?A??E??R
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1.Breed of Dog of the Spitz type, with a tightly curled tail. 8 Letters ??E??O??. 2.An Asian citrus tree, cultivated for its orange-like fruits. 9 letters ??L??R???
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1. Iced Drink of Rum, Lime Juice and Syrup of Sugar. 2. A liqueaur made from fruit or from brandy with added fruit.
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Town Crier I don't know how to ask more than 1 question in 1 post.
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A place where live animals are kept under natural conditions, for observation and research. 8 Letters ??V?????
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In Golf, a game between 2 pairs of players, where each player alternates strokes at the same ball. 8 Letters ?O?E????
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The Process of terminating the affairs of a business firm. 11 Letters L??U?O????N
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Republic of Northeast Europe, on the Gulf of Riga. 6 Letters L????A
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Plant with crisp, curly leaves, which are used in salads. 6 Letters E??I?G
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A Person who goes ahead of a car to make a clear passage. O?T?E??R
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Key Used to open numerous doors 8 Letters S?E?T??N
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In North American Indian Societies, an object animal etc symbolising a clan. 5 Letters T???M
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Branch of Maths concerned with points, lines. 8 Letters ??O?E?R?
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Interval between 2 Reigns, Governments etc.
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Son of Apollo and Cyrene 9 Letters ?R?S?A?E?

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