Groan. Two last beasties. 20ac) No Oscar for English bandleader with musical routine in rep (6,6) I have G?R?L?, S?A? E? : looks like Gerald something. And 26d) Girl's name in literary short stories....
Two last wee beasties: 14ac) Some of A Few Good Men in a court (3). I have A?T and presume it's Act, but why? Because it's a play? And 20ac) Short stories in Kanarese (3). Again, I have A?A, and guess...
Last one: 11d) Is it possible in the future to get Talos's fee for naval correspondent? (7,5)
I have ?I?L?A?, P?I?E. Looks like William Price? Who he??
Is it impossible to complete? Because there are only two 12 letter answers and only two 13 letter answers, I don't see how I can have gone wildly wrong, but I am left with a lot of 8 letter and 6...
Last little beastie:
23d) Twosomes lacking energy upset Tony Burg, perhaps (4)
I have: ?T?D. Guessing DATES, as in dates 'upset' with no E, but why??...
Here we are again. Sigh. Last one; head done in...
8d) “This is something very precious I left behind” confessed to god. (8)
I have S?N?R?I? and all I can see is SINORNIS.
Help, please!...
Groan. Stuck fast on this final clue:
26ac) Theatrical tale including Arthur's apparently fatal leap after tragic daughter passes on. (2,8). I have ?T, ?R?D?I?S....
Help needed with, er, closure: 12d) Shift for one cat in shirt needing work (10) I have A?T?C?R?S?, and it looks like an anagram of cat in shirt = Antichrist, but how is that “Shift for one”?? And...