Ok this is not funny but well if the boot was on other foot guess I would laugh just a really tiny bit! Its like this for the last month my faeces has been lets say black and a bit constipated,...
I enjoyed the timetravel question. Here's a couple of old ones; Imagine a disc turning like an LP on a record deck. at a constant rate 33rpm. The outside of the disc is turning quickly, but the...
We've had a nasty smell in our house for the last few weeks, we narrowed it down to the drains. We were going to sort it out this weekend by rodding the outside drains to try & clear the blockage....
Has anyone else had this. My computer is hijacked. I can use Spybot/cwshredder to remove the offenders but they keep comming back. If I cleans the machine, it still comes back even if I don't run...
I've been waiting for this category to turn up! I've got the SETI@home screensaver on this PC which, as you probably know, scans through background noise looking for alien transmissions. Also, things...
once my math teacher told us that aliens or whatever other creatures may exsist and he suggested a very intersting idea about dimensions. as u know we're in 3D and we see what is shaped in 3D or...
Am i being daft here or what? Does anyone know where the Adverts Category is as i received an email from the Ed saying my question on an ad had been moved to the adverts category. I did do a search...
What reactions take place in a dodgy battery when you hit it to get some energy out of it eg batteries in a remote control: when it is nearly dead sometimes you need to smack the remote and then it...
Forgive me if you think i'm crazy, i think i may have cracked Time Travel subject to a few theories which could well be wrong. If it were possible for Nasa to put a spaceship into orbit and accelerate...
When I turn my pc on the internet opens unrequested to a page called scootch...which I believe could be a premium rate hijack virus. I would be grateful if anybody knows how I can get rid of...
There are three rooms with a computer in each room. The computers are connected by a cable that runs through the walls. In room one is a human. In room two there is only the computer, programmed to...
who agrees with the theory that since the earth is oscillating back and forth across an arm of the Milky Way galaxy (every 26 million years or so, proven by gravitational calculations), and it...
if you were to turn on a light, and place two mirrors facing the light either side of it, so that light would hit the left mirror then bounce onto the right, then back to the left etc. then why, when...
I have some unripped music on my pc that I'd like to transfer to my mp3 player. Can anyone tell me how to rip it down without starting from scratch with the original hard copy? I use WinXP...