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1a Two bodies in alignment start to exchange punches, middle of sex (7) ?????S? 19a Finished up as a student by performing a duet in drag, perhaps (9) ?R???A?E? 3d Put down wrapping round inside of...
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10a Idiom alluding to people who abandon an enterprise as soon as it seems to fail. (4,6,1,7,4) ?A?S , ?E?E?? , A, ?i?K?N?, ?H?P 4d People with niwhere else to go (8 ?????E?S 8a Widow of a duke or...
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I get 15 anyone agree?...
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I have been told that if you paint a solution of Potassium Permanganate onto black mould (on interior walls) will kill the mopuld. Is this trued and is the practice dangerous? Thanks in advance...
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21a Parisian gangster quickly hiding heroin (6) ???C?? 17d Actor's brief role had no outcome? (5) ?A??? 16a Chap outside is taking a broom (7) ?E?N?T? 13a Easily impressed, we'll accept a vote with...
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Does anyone know what the section in Private Eye that deals with daft things contestants say in answer to questions on gameshows?...
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4a Search over a period of time (6) ???A?E 11a Bad daughter perhaps in shot (5) RE??N 12d A soldier allowed something to wear (5) ??L?T 23a The opposite of popular poetry (7) ?N?E?SE Thanks in advance...
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Hi Anyone doing this competition on page 37 of the current issue? Does anyone know the character in picture number 11?...
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16a The only sound a spirit makes? (4) S?U? Thanks in advance...
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Hi Anyone having a go at the competition on page 35 of the current Viz? I've made a start but not doing very well; 01. Buster Gonad 02. 03. 04. 05. 06. 07. 8 Ace 08. San 09. 10. 11. 12. Fru T Bunn Any...
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13d White inside breaking those old vows (7) H?A?T?? 12a Set move involving castle ergo surrendered earlier (7) S?R???? 1d Duck puts bill back in to drink (5) S?A?P 22a Turns having student in...
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9a Jars left in a pub with measure current (9) ??B?R?L?i 3a Charles hungry in the mess? (5) C???? 13d White inside breaking those old vows (7) ??A?T?? 14d Drunk upset a little bit needing a snack (7)...
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ANy SE crossword winners out there? I won the Sunday Express Skeleton Crossword on 25th July 2021. On the entry coupon it suggests that winners wait for 30 days before payment is made . Today, 19th...
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11a One who contributes greatly to the process of Government-awarded contracts? (4,5) T?R? , D?N?R TORY DONOR? Can't parse...
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1d Hew house in Italy for a randy one! (4,4) ?A?A , ???A 14a Back long ago, you held out for a technique (3) ???A2d 'Apsen' talk? (4) ?i?S 4d Bead, carefully applie, as ordered (4) ???E 5d Get rid of...
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4d The willies rammed initially inside box (6) ?r???t 23a Nice evening after drink knocked back in urinal (7) P???O?? Thanks in advance...
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10a Wooden or metal pegs (6) ?O?E?S THanks in advance...
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12a The government plans to diminish this migrant cash transaction (to be confined in small, basic building) (5,6,3) ????N , R????? , ??P 24a particularly hard setback caused by raw cannabis (5,4)...
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2d Anything English held by pre-eminent physician is relative (5,8) G?A?D , ?A?G?T?i 3d Plant fares badly in luggage compartment (5-4) B?A?S-?O?T 14d Risky ventures for pilots (6) ?L?E?S 19d Low...
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1a Jack rings after fault becomes a cause of anxiety? (7) ??????O 12a Keep talking about the setting of the Ring (6) C????? 15a Figure boxer's finding plant (9) D???????? 20a Be getting on, again, in...

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