I cannot run defrag any more. It says 'restarting defrag as another program is writing to defrag' even though I have no other programs running. Help please, Thank you
I am tryng to fnd a way to download my contacts frm my phone to my pc, I hae bluetooth but cant seem to be able to do it. I have downloaded the nokia pc suite but still cant seem to get the phone...
Just hit a rather annoying problem, I've recently upgraded my phone and I still have a few messages saved on my old phone. Now would it be possible for me to transfer these to my new phone somehow?...
Ive got a trojan on my computer, seems to be one of the smitfraud variety. It keeps hacking into internet explorer and using it to create a permanent pop up. It claims i have to pay $19.99 for...
we are moving to live in the usa. i want to know if there are certain appliances i can still use with a travel adaptor from the uk. want to take my kettle, small midi hi fi system, laptop and standard...
what on earth is going on with yahoo email? whenevre i sign in, it just comes back with another 'signing in page which ive never seen before..the totally ignores my id and password! help!
I have aol broadband. Most of my friends talk on MSN Messanger and no1 uses AIM, but the only way i can connect is to have the AOL Browser open while i use msn. I was wondering if there is anyway i...
Hi all I have a problem with outlook Express, if someone send's me a link or shortcut via email it appears on the email in blue, I move the mouse over it the mouse pointer changes to a hand pointing...
does anyone know of any good free internet web browsers? I am looking for a free site on internet browsers I already have internet explorer one and opera one and I was just wondering if there any more...