we miss you honey xxxx its very frustrating sitting there wanting to butt in but cant isnt it?? i had to do it a couple of weeks ago , i think it takes about a day to clear it up .
changed engine management system.....nipped in asda.......changed a flat tyre.....fetched a double glazed unit....called in burger van......now having 5 mins before the next task.......anybody...
Just wanted to know people's experiences of the TV license people knocking at your door. Do they actually knock on your door? If they do, do you have to let them in. What's your...
I was going to sleep on a bit this morning, but decided to get up instead, did some dishes while watching the conservative leadership drug debate on TV. What totally unnoteworthy thing did you do...
We're having an office quiz night and the boss has asked us each to submit some questions. There are 15 of us, and the boss will be quizmaster. I'm not quite sure how this will work out. ...
Don't know what I've done.... You've got a problem with me..... You think I'm that ...person (being polite) I'm not going to slit my wrists over this. It's getting tired quickly. Sorry if you don't...
Lets try to get this place moving again. I'll start with the first line of a limerick and then its up to you all to finish it a line at a time. There once was a girl called Buttons
Does it seem to anyone else like CB has been losing people a heck of a lot lately? I mean, georgit I hear isn't able to come on at work anymore, something happened to ned?? ....and then I'm only...