You know there was essential heavy work by the heavies tonight, yes ? Well since that whenever I try to log in it just says "Go and lie down you fart-brained poophead" Very much hurt I have...
You can now swera to your heart's content on Answerbank. No one believes me, so I'm a bit upset by that. It *'s out your swears. e.g. You ******* ****** everyone thinks I typed it Try my...
Apparently that story is true. Also my boyfriend pointed out that Eminem mentions it in his song 'Stan'. Stan Lyrics: "You know the song by Phil Collins, "In the Air of the Night"about that guy who...
but there are loads of different peeps on now, so if you were stranded on a desert island what 3 things would you take with you? (apart from the obvious family/friends/pets etc)
Bacon has double the salt of the Atlantic Ocean. Who say you don't learn anything on Daytime TV. Who works the garbage out? Anybody get any other *facts* Let's hava BigFacthunt!!
Any of you ever been on tv, game show, news..that kind of thing (Crimewatch doesnt count pixi) I havent been on tv but have been on Steve Wrights big quiz radio 2.....