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<TABLE id=HB_Mail_Container height=&quot;100%&quot; cellSpacing=0 cellPadding=0 width=&quot;100%&quot; border=0 UNSELECTABLE=&quot;on&quot;> <TBODY> <TR...
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hows everyone tonight??????
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I work with a man who is older than me, he is 39.  I am very attracted to him and he is attracted to me too I think.  He is married though.  We flirt outrageously and I have a wworks...
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Whats a fun thing to do when your hubs gone out, wont be back until about 3am, kids upstairs but cant go out????  Please help me before I resort drinking two bottles of chablis and posting...
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If you could look like any movie/rock star, who would you choose? I'd want to look like Milla Jovovich:
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I work in an office of 11 men and 1 woman (me!) there are two toilets, 1 male and 1 female.  Do you think i should be forced to share my loo with them?  The reason i ask is i just went into...
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Disappeared successfully, then realised I had left new Tax Disc on desk.  Sent text to PA to ask her to bring it down to the car, which she did.  Spent a few minutes struggling to...
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or does anyone else enjoy the afterglow of a sneeze?
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So, who should be the next 007? I reckon it should be Colin Salmon, who has been in the last three movies. It's about time we had the first black Bond....
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I've just been to the cafe at work, so now I have a mushroom & mozzarella turnover and a red bull, with banoffi pie for pudding. What's everyone else got in their lunchboxes??
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'Memories' from Cats... does anyone else have songs stuck in their head at the moment?
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Ooh, its a bit daunting writing this..... i "signed up" a while ago on here, but upto now all ive done is watch the Topics. Well its about time i made myself heard. HELLOOOOOOOOOO!!!!!! xxxx I live in...
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I have: Ring binders, filing to be done, telephone, carousel (full of pens, highlighters, tipp-ex, paperclips and loose change), my fluffy mobile phone holder, sellotape dispenser, stapler, laptop,...
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A friend and I are having a debate over who is the "nicest" out of Jodie marsh and Jordan.  Please can I have your opinions on this?  Guys and gals :)
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There's a really pushy, forward woman who comes here as a Sales Rep, but she's all over me like a rash, and I hate it.  She's all weird and sits too close and goes on about how I remind her of...
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before you can tell them when they've got a bogey?
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... how many times a day do you feed them, and why? Sounds like a quiz question, but it's not i'm afraid. Just me being nosey :0) (Tried posting this in A&N but it wouldn't let me.)
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In mine are the following:- Paperclips bent out of shape, 10 elastic bands, 4 x 10p pieces, ?5 note, Paul Weller CD, post it note with Dak's email address on it, calculator, hole punch, a baby tooth!,...
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Morning everyone! Are we all looking forward to the weekend? Question: The odds are that you will do this 9 times in your life. What is it?
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Who is in favour of being allowed to overtake those people in queues who refuse to move ahead when the person in front of them moves.  We can do it with cars, so why not people?  I notice...

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