My doctor pretty much told me I don't have asthma and the tightness in my chest over the past 7 years is from something else. She said I could be anemic..anyone out there anemic? If so, what are your...
About 3 years ago (when I was with my now ex) I meet this great girl; I really fancied her and she felt the same, but because I was living with someone we kept it at just good friends. Since then, ive...
Why do people keep posting mindless drivel and stupid questions in this section? This is a section for people who want serious advice. Not for childrn to come and play in. Please have some...
my husband has 5 children from previous relationships i have 2 from 1 relationship.we got married last year in the carribean it was fab even though i was 5 months pregnant with my 3rd and his 6th...
Has anybody here had a brain tumor removed from the Pituitary glan? If so how was your road to recovery? Did you suffer any brain swelling weeks after sugery? did you lose any site? How long did you...
Ive just read a survey report in the paper that 85% of girls won't date a man that's shorter than themselves.. is this true? Does the height of a guy matter that much to you girls?? Im 5' 7'' by the...
How smart is your foot? This is so funny that is will boggle your mind and you will keep trying it at least 50 more times to see if you can out smart your foot. But you cant!!! 1. While sitting at...
My heart has always raced here and there, but I just ignore it becuase Im only 24 and am perfectly healthy and thin. I don't suffer from any anxiety either, but lately my heart beat speeds up, and...
I really enjoy the single life (no promises, no commitment), however, an ex of mine recently got back in touch and we've been seeing each other fairly casually but it now feels like it's getting a bit...
We are soon going on holiday to a caravan park and would like to take my 4 month old baby swimming as my 3 year old daughter loves it, but i don't know what swim aid will be best as he can't hold his...
following a previous thread on news, i'm curious as to how many people carry an organ donor card. Is there anyone who absolutely wouldn't donate their organs after their death and if not, why not?...