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Finished studies for a few days. Thought I would check out what the plebs are doing. What are you doing?
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Well its that time of the month again my brother has to go to the police station. he has been out on bail nearly 3 times now and the police can not make a decide what to do so they every time his date...
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i rang my credit card company in january and set up a direct debit to pay it off and also change the address on my account, I then went to work abraod/offshore for 8 months and when i came back i had...
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i watched a t.v program one evening last week, i believe it was on bbc 2, anyway it was about scottish clans and rob roy does anyone know the name of this program and when and where i can see it again
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51reg mondeo and when the revs get to 2000 and you carry on accelerating it goes up to 3000 really quickly with out the car going faster and then the revs drop back down and the car starts...
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tony mcscaff
is it possible to get somebodys name and address from there car reg?

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