549000001351 5000193140946 5000289110808 50254804 5018893786111 5000232919878 5413149080761 8711600297036 5021932013024 8410005421052 10 livers foxshawad pussage main chop gigrett any help with these...
10 LIVERS FOX SHAW AD PUSS AGE MAIN CHOP CIGRRET 15 Is 2 clock faces, side by side, one says 5 to eight the other is a mirror image 10 past 4 20 Rub Corfu Malta icon 24 549000001351 5000193140946...
please could someone help on the pictures -
n o. 39- a snake - is it from jungle book?
no.44 -horse -have red rum for no 31 also a horse
n0. 46 -a whale -is it free willy?
29. Which countrys' flag is yellow, green, red (l. to rt.) (9)
I can find same colours but in different order, same order but horizontal. Looked in books and googled. Any help appreciated...