I was invited to a 70s dance in Birmingham last Saturday. I forgot to pack a tie, so I went into a shop in New Strret & said to the counterperson "I would like a kipper tie" to which she replied...
i see all the nice people have gone to bed so i will do the same after a good glass of grouse so goodnight to you all i see i have wasted my time tonight
18a an old world bird with a pinkish-brown plumage(6) 27a an italian liqueur with a flavour of almonds(8) 29a a strong aniseed-flavoured spirt from greece (4) cheers
I do hope that you all find a place to go on Burns night where the people talk properly and eat food fit for human consumption, and there is no awful skwailing and screeching noises.
Last one: 21a) Scots for scolded or argued looks like cunning little Edward (6). ?ly??d. I think it must be sly??d to begin with but I cannot find the ending anywhere. Thanks in advance.
really stuck with last one searched everwhere no answer found 21 across 6 letters clie is scots for scolded or argued looks like cunning lettle edward _ ly _ _ d any help please thanks in advance