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I have a dvd player that doesn't play region 1 dvds. Could you tell me the names of dvd players that play multi regions please? Note that it's an actual dvd player, not on my PC! Thanks xxx
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Ever since I can remember, I've had muscle 'spasms' everyday. They can be quite small like my finger moving up and down and other times I'll have one in my arm where I can see the muscle really...
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I'm stuck! What do you do after you have viewed all three 'newspaper clippings' on the wall? I wrote the code that the third one gave me although I type it and nothing happens! What do you do with it,...
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I am trying to view something by streaming it through Windows Media Player, however it says the following: "Windows Media Player cannot play the file because the specified protocol is not supported" I...
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Plus we flirt all the time, and one day he said to me that if him and his girlfriend were to break up for like a week again (as they usually do) the one person he'd sleep with in that time would be...
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I really think there should be a Liar Liar 2! I miss Jim Carrey! What could happen in the sequel?
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Argh I'm tryin to post something but it's actually quite long and it wont let me post it, it just goes to 'page cannot be displayed'. I posted another question somewhere else on the site and that...
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how can you get your hair to grow faster
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What is the name of the song and who sings it- in the film Down to You with Julia Stiles in- when she dances to it- I think it sounds like Barry White but im not sure??
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This is bugging the life out of me, but who is the girl in red who Howie bites on the neck in the Backstreet Boys video Backstreet's Back? I thought it was "Natasha" from Sex and the City but I can't...
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Does anyone know how to do the Michael Jackson Thriller dance? If so, could you tell me? Thanks =)
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does anyone knows haw much was the preno contract between charlotte and trey in Sex and the city
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Why didn't Claudia Wells play the role of Jennifer Parker in Back to the Future 2 & 3?
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does anyone agree with me and think that Dr Troy off nip/tuck is the hottest man alive!!?????!!!!
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I'm paraphrasing, as I can't remember exactly, but: "Right now you know nothing. In fact you know less than nothing. If you even knew that you knew nothing that would something, but you don't" This is...
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Anyone know where i can buy Stephen King's The Langoliers on Dvd? Although not on the net. Thanks.
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I watched this film years ago, and i didnt catch the start, must have been half way thru it and all i can remember are these two kids who are locked in a sort of cage by this witch, who i think is...
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What is the song playing on the movie 10 things I hate about you when kat does the table dance
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I'm trying to remember the name of a horror film, with a town in it called RedRum....made in the is basically about an evil woman who turned children into plants and used her goblins to kill...
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Does anyone know when the film Changing Lanes starring Samuel .L. Jackson and Ben Afflick is being released in the uk?(It was released 12/04/02 in USA)

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