Stuck on 8d. Note (not in a melody). I have T?N?. tune or tone?
also not sure about 5a. Name some reapers use. I have put appoint but can't parse it. Help please....
Regarding your post re Quark or Query language.The correct answer is Query Language. I submitted this crossword on line and it was accepted as correct.
Completely stuck on two. 22d. Uncovered with nothing in common (4) I have N???. can only think of nude but can't parse it. 27a, About to take wing,some bird (4) I have ???A. Myna but again cant parse...
Brain not working today.Stuck on three. 7d.Vegetable peers cooked with gas, needing plain starters(2 words) I have ?R?E?P?P??? Green pepper is all I can come up with but can't parse it. 14d. It's just...