7d Dull dog writhing in pen s-o-g-
Is this sponge? sog in pen, (my bet) shough (as shoodog) or even storge (to pamper young animals?)
Many thanks as this finishes this crossword off.......
25 Across, Writer engaged in revolutionary wrestling conpendium(7)O?N???? 28 Across, Various maps including cinema access(8)??????S? 17 Down, Great success? Altman film included in this...
Help, cant finish this one. 30a. fairy ring behind fiddle 6, 4 _I_K_R/_E_ _ 25a.Western bird harbouring urge to fly to river 4,4 _ _U_/_ _I_ 20a. Inability to recall explosive one lost in large area...
21a) Back a little work involving Hamlet, when cast goes off (7) G?E????
18d) One with manner designed to be integral to mathematics (7) R???A??
Thank you very much...
Seemed easy today part from these last two which are stubbornly not coming to me...
6d Read Lawrence's short story? (5)
20a King piled on pressure in barbarous state (9)
6 Down, Intermittently,and with no little hesitation,at reduced price(2-3) O?-??? 7 Down, One islamic group spurning book from Rome(7) I?????N 16 Down, Opera-see woman's expression of pleasure(9)...
11a) Food available from the introduction of rationing (7) W?????? 17a) Drama school right to reflect role for speedy apprehension (5,4) ??D?? ???? 25a) Boy risked dropping English, which is not...
2 Down, University lecturer brought in to fix gill(8) R?V?????
3 Down, Clumsy guy involved in damage to it?Not first time(9) M?L??????
Many Thanks in Advance...
Good afternoon one and all. I would appreciate some help on my last few which I have pondered over now for weeks. Clues preferred. Qu. 47. Cyrus swallowed one of the crown jewels (5) Begins with 'C'...
stuck on last one
Cyclops would have one in the morning with popular murderous buffoon 3,4
I have ?d? a?i?
Cyclops is the crossword setter if that is relevant...