10a Mother keeps original-it's more advanced M???R?? 24a It's deeper swimming round Cuba but go ahead ????E?E 6d Honey badger mauled 3 in both flanks R???L 8d Article supports lawbreaking in region of...
18 Across, European heading off to invest British currency for long-term stability,P?R?A?A?E?C? PERMAMANENCE or PERMANENCY 19 Across, Food is bound to engage one in corrupt vote(10) ?A?A?S?I?L Nothing...
Particularly baffling: I can get what are I am sure are the correct answers to 24 26 27a by elimination, ditto 3 7 and 22d, but no idea why. And is 6 a "How to work with the "foreign"...
stroll (5) weak,dependant (8) barney used 2 do this regularly in the flintstones (9) principles, attitude (5) coercion (6) work of art that mixes styles & materials (8) _ _ _ T _ C _ E advantage ,...
What towns/cities are indicated by the following
1) Nuts for free (5)
2)Drop in parts of flying machine(8)
3)Every roads ending(4)
Thanks for any help
1a hang american writer in south dakota s?s?e?d looks like suspend but icant see why uspen in sd but cant finf uspen as a writer.many thanks for any help