can anyone help on a couple please
75a 5
deceive, cryptic, fox the figure in beige
4d 7
badly behaved, cryptic, badly behaved, uncontrollable thug there's no holding
-a-g--- ?...
9a) European acceptedepitaph as display of selfishness (3,4)
19a) Obtain amino compound - its horrible. (19)
14d) Cautious and attentive, having demoted first pair (9)
Thankyou in advance....
Please help me make a start!
1a) Pours liquid in them typically (7)
2d) Sol came out and chose different pudding (9,6)
7d) Union lying perhaps about search? Without a doubt (15)
7d) Somewhere to film outside almost destroyed (7)
9a) Get the shakes when soprano steals money. (7)
16d) Like sick painter - not quite embarrassed? (3,2,4)
Thankyou for any help....
Please help me get started1 1a) Invalid new uni students shirk touring North Dakota (4,3,4) 6a) Big Brother lady shook Yard in blatant extortion (8,7) 18d) Stiff attitude of sailor in school. (6)...
Please help! 20a) Rabble and fellow serviceman interrupt jazz piece (4-4) 21d) Limp fellow witgh unsightly polyp (6) 26a) Maybe I'd join best corp, if this is attractive (3,11) Thankyou in advance....
Please help me get started! 1d) Cocoa looked odd, weird, as wake up call(4-1-6-3) 8d) Moving back and forth, grinning at food, perhaps (5,3,6) 11a) Brought up old coin in river on way back (8) Sorry...
8a) Is this movement legal or illegal (7) A??????
2d) Fruit began to go off in truck (10) L?????????
18d) Study right and make more changes (8)
Thankyou for any help....
please help me to get started!
1a) Head of department drops alternative claim (7)
5a) Bags to carry new light bites (6)
9a) Amphibian, male, Rex found in the gloom (8)
Please help, last two!!
39d) Of a dish, served with a topping of browned breadcrumbs and cheese (2,6) A?/??A?I?
43a) In printing another name for ruby type (5) ???T?
Thankyou in advance...