Kick start help needed again, please help. 6a) Story teachers adapted about cold birds (14) 8d) Nearly every nightgirls moved warning signal (9,5) and 16d) They vote for old German princes (8) Many...
Please help me get started, on this Monday the 13th. 2d) Decorative topping's causing rig to fall apart (5,5) 7d) Veteran Mexican veers off course (2-10) 10d) Drag queen more angry about what he's...
Stuck on these three! 14A. Team GB equestrian who competed at her 6th olympic games this year.(4) I have ?I?G 57A. Boulder clay or other sediment deposited by melting glaciers.(4) I have T?L? 54D...
14a) Diminished and somehow receded somehow while being put in (9) 19a) A Sediment is spread, spread widely (11) and 14d) I intend to change arrangement that includes 13's (9) - 13 across is Molar....
Please help me to get started 1a) Ad-lib sexier poem rewritten about model (11) 1d) Pick e.g. romantic display - its attractive (15) 16d) Unusual 10 right her at rocks Arab drilled (4,5) Sorry have no...
Have completed,I think,so could someone explain wordplay on 20ac. please.Knight,leading small number in rear,controlled fire in battle(11) Bannockburn.