Need a bit of help today with this one.
2d Force unions to shut down 22 gigs after corruption? (7&8).
19a Bias causes undesirable consequences (4&7).
Having a problem today, please help me get started 1a) Some back U.S. churches about reduced Sunday working (4 + 3 + 3) 1d) Vatican church food upset Russian city ( 5 + 10) Sorry haven't any letters....
I am stuck on two, 31a. granny would, disheartened, maybe visit sultanate, 3/5 letters, ?l?/ ??m?n also 26d. first off, maxim contains nothing, just itself. 4 letters ?r??
Hi looking for help with last 2
6d Land turns into sea (7) E?T?N??
14a Demands former deeds (6) E???T?
Trying to watch the tennis so Many Thanks in Advance...
A couple to finish. Can someone help please.
3d Some light or heavy timber (4) -e-m
22a Yet it might be some quite pedestrian clause (5) r-d-r (rider or radar?)...
16D Teacher, say, or jailer (3,6) I had thought it was key holder till I found out the third from last letter is a K. So I have K?Y ?O?K?R. Can anyone put me right? This is my last.