Only 2 Left. 8ac Sky forbidden to show news about floozy shifting drug (2-3,4) _ _ - F_ _, _ o _e. 10 DN On vessel, call Noah so choosy, picking only one of each pair up (2-2-2) . _ _, H_, H_ . Thanks...
12ac Film character's evidence of hurt allowed house to be turned into home for her ? (8,5)
4d Call for retirement , as rough sport introduced to basic weapon. (5,4) F - R - , _ o - T...
Last one .
18d Rock, I'd say, in case of "garage" is not middle of the road. (7) - A - S -D -
It looks like wayside but I cannot see all of the wordplay....
Last one
8d Giving coats to these islands' couples could make lazy work less. (6) I have A - O - E -
Coul;d it be AZORES ? If so, please explain why....
31ac In novel, lucky chap's addicted to marijuana ? It's poisonous (6,4) -i-s-n, -e-d.
40ac Berlin musician directing a band in rags ? (9) A - E - A- D - R Is it Alexander?...
Just two to get. 22d They carry water from river into fields (8) - i - c - e - s. Could it be pitchers ? 52ac Something to help when returning with groceries, principally. (4,3) T - T- , B - G. Is it...
8d Tips from customers in bistro go round in pouch (5) S- O - D 21 ac Steer with this ? Not right ! (5) U - D - R 20 ac Did impression of winger's run , hip cured , amazingly (9) C - I - R - P - O