This is what I'll be having:-Boil spaghetti in a pan. Chop up bacon and fry in a frying pan, then add chopped spring onions and heat through. Finally add tub of cr?me fraiche and bring to simmer. Dish...
Finally my boss has decided to approve my holiday, hasn't actually told me this himself, he's just signed my request and left it on my chair when i was away from my desk. So i would like to...
I've not eaten since Sunday tea, oh no wait, I had a slice of toast yesterday, which I promptly threw back up again - due to an iffy belly. My question is, even though I'm not even...
I am not speaking to Lore.. as she is a pooface. My friends can come in my house and we can watch what we like and play games and eat sweets. To Lore: Na na na na naaaaaah
I am having a party that will be even bigger than Lore's. You are all invitedand you don't need to bring anything. Booze and food will be supplied. You can bring a date and if you can't find one then...
What a thoroughly enjoyable day off it has been today, just sitting here passing the time with all you guys, it has been most pleasant, it isn't often I get to visit here during the day and it is most...
Do you think it is unreasonable to request one day's holiday giving a weeks notice? Ive put a holiday request into my boss and he has decided to send it round the staff members to see if anyone...
Just listening to a discussion about reporting benefit fraudsters. Would you report someone if you knew they were claiming benefit illegally? Personally, although I think they are wrong I...