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Did anyone notice how she completely hated Parky after he mentioned her state of mind after her divorce? He was constantly getting at her about how she seemed changed and she couldnt beleive it. I...
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This morning I watched (and tried to help !) as my neighbour's car caught fire and burnt out. As we waited for the fire brigade to come we thought the petrol tank would explode - but it didn't, and...
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what is the most dangerous country in the world?
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What is the lowest a top flight team has ever fallen. Would it be Wolves collapse into conference? Or has a former top level team dropped further still?
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Pink floyds Arnold Layne is the wierdest song Ive got its about a man who steals clothes from washing lines . whats the wierdest song / single subject youve got ?
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I had a bad cold recently and couldn't stop sneezing, Someone told me to look at the light and i would stop....very odd but it did work, can anyone tell me how it works??
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Who will get relegated from English premiership and who will replace them?
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David H
The new trick of advertising cheap single prices for flights means you are obliged to ask for the return price. I doubt many people don't come back, so the value of a 50p trip to Amsterdam is...
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Have I missed something here or is richard branson in the form of Virgin not going to buy BA's fleet and keep the old bird flying then? If so isn't this all a little premature?
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What happened in the 1956 FA Cup Final that had never happened before or since?
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Nearly everyone knows that Holmes never said 'Elementary, my dear Watson' or the Bogey never uttered 'Play it again Sam'...but i just learned that Michael Caine has not once said 'Not a lot of people...
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is there a website i can type in my standard grades an highers that will come up with career suggestions
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Imagine there was a deeply hated mayor of a town of 50,000 people. All the townsfolk donated ?1 each to hire a hitman to assasinate him, and all signed a statement stating that they were all equally...
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I was accused of assualting a train conductor on march of last year, and part of it was his fault as much as mine as he also attacked me...considering there are 4 wtinesses in this case who all...
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Gordon Brown turned up as a spectator to watch his wife giving birth yesterday. Am I alone in thinking this to be a disgusting thing for a man to do?
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Was it just me or did any one else feel like when the special news bulletin came on before monarch of the glen about tony blairs heart problems fellt that it just didn't matter my entire family...
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OK, I might sound like I'm going mad or away with the fairies but, I've just been round my friends house and her TV Remote Control is working. You might not think that's weird but you will when I say...
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I don't eat meat and my diet is mainly fish, pasta, rice, bread and potatoes. Could I still go on the Atkins diet? People on it have said it is very meat oriented with no carbs - is there a 'veggie'...
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Why do 'vegetarians' eat fish, a fish isn't a vegetable!!! It seems like a teetotaler not drinking any alcohol except sherry e.g. cheating at their own game.

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