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Peugoet 307 HDI no handbook supplied can anyone help...please un loaded and loaded
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What does antidisestablishmentarianism actually mean?
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Why do the majority of people from North America (particularly Canada) have a fascination and an instant love of British people?
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Why were the staff at Heathrow on strike? Is it that they didn't like it because they were going to have to clock in and out of work? But loads of people all over the country have to clock in and out...
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Delia, Jamie, Nigella, Fanny, Nick, Anthony etc. Who's best? Do you like watching one but would rather cook from another one's book? Or do the two go together? Do you watch them but never cook? If so,...
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Who did the catering for the films: The Fan, The Big Picture, Gods and Monsters, Boomerang, and U-571?
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I was thinking that maybe 'homeworking' might be a good idea. But I know that there are many companies out there offering this type of work, but it ends up being a con! Where can I find out about the...
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The Rutt
Is there a program that can tell me how long a computer has been switched on for, or even better how long it has been logged on to a network without having logged off?
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Is it true that the act of eating a stick of celery burns more calories than the celery actually contains? If so, are there any other foodstuffs to which this applies?
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Since we are on a cooking theme! How many do you have? 0? 10? 100?! How many do you use?
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Has anyone received a copy of Naked Chef 2 via e-mail as a word document (allegedly sent out originally by someone from the publishers to a friend) and if so, is it the real thing?
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is dale winton married
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In this weeks issue of Motorcycle news there is an article about 2 bikers who have been convicted of speeding at over 150Mph. I would never condon this or try to justify this but as a biker I know how...
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I'm in the mood for some real blues, you know the original 'dark' blues, guitar orientated, the kinda stuff you hear in the background in films set in Missisipi. Prison blues kinda stuff, where it's...
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How are trains powered ? Are the actual rail tracks electric, and the train gets the electricity up through the metal wheels ?
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I recently put my face on and I am told I have a score of 9.1 (out of 10). But they also give you the raw results which are quite spread out for me and if I work out the mean average it's...
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Tom McGregor
Who is the greatest man alive?
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Anyone believe his explanation (, his housemate didn't log out? You're 'avin a larf mate!
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39 years old Terry Wallis has just regained conciousness after 19 years in a coma since a car crash in 1984. He has seen his 19 years old daughter for the first time. A heartwarming story. I presume...
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How do I find the IP address of my machine?

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