there's this jazzy /funky song that often appears in movies/tv etc: starts off like; 'I want you to get together...' and reaches a height with 'put your handssss together now'. cheers
hey, what's the old rock'n'roll songs that goes: 'all of my life i've been a-waiting... tonight there'll be no hesitating... all of my love, all of my kisses'?
set up a user profile a while back but proved to be of no use, Is there a way to remove the option to sign in as a user when the computer starts up? -i.e. i just want it to go straight thru to desktop...
Hi, does anyone know how to change the background /wallpaper that comes up before windows desktop opens (i.e. the background when you can choose who to to log in as) cheers
Is there any way to put a 'lock' on a foder, such as one in 'My Pictures' -i.e. requires a password to open (nb: this is for windows ME) Many thanks...
Apologies if this has already been answered -not sure if the other nokia ad questions relate to this one: featuring imgaes such as an Indian event where they're throwing orange powder at each other......
A great song I heard recently: 'I think it's time to break up? 2 other naked guys, or was it 3 other naked guys?' ?I think that's how it went. Any thoughts much appreciated
Hi, what is the name of the original tune (well known i think) that is used in Moulin Rouge for the lyrics: 'So ex-cit-ing.... So de-light-ing it wil run for 50 years...'?
In the movie, 'The Transporter', after the police chief is taken 'hostage', there's a song that's played in the car-ride. It's a fast female track ?any ideas?
In Charlie's Angel's 2 Drew Barrymore drives in Mexico, walks into a bar and there's this slow Hawaiwian guitar music playing. The song doesn't actually move into lyrics, so is maybe just a musical...
The following is played in Undercover Brother in the shower fight scene: 'She's a ____ house? let it all hang out' ?anyone know what this song is called?