15d old term for one who paid to trade in a burgh for which he was not a freeman(10) - - - L-I-G-R
22d a former Australian gold-mining town in west-central Victoria(6) - - - - - T
1a a climbing plant (Clusia) in the West Indies that strangles trees (6,8) S-O-C- A-T-R-E-
13a to drive piles or stakes into the ground(4) -T-G
last two
12a industrial port (population about 125,000) on the island of Shikoku, Japan (7) I-A-A-I
24a on old instrument like a bassoon(7) R-C-E-T
27a the actions of scattering or inserting things here and there(14) -I-E- - - - - S-O-S
23a a slaty diabase rock composed of fine volcanic fragments and dust(10) - - - - - S-E-N
27a state of mental and emotional deterioration caused by organic brain disease(12) -E-E-T-D-A- -
20d Shakespearean term for glances or winks(7) I-L-A- -
Not a good day 20d a mollusc's operculum, worn as an amulet(3,4) - - a -e- - 11a a broken spear or spear-shaft(9) - - e- c- e- n 28a the mountain ash, or wych-elm(7) w-t-h- - Any help would be...
stuck on three 16a animal living parasitically within the body of its host(8) -N-O-O-N 22d prison sentence of three months(coll) (6) -A-P-T 25d small town at foot of Montferrat Hills, north-east of...
11d Danish settlers in Ireland in the 9th century(6) -S-M-N
20a old term for a majic circle(5) R-O-B
4d muscle or muscular strength(lit) (5) T-E-S
4d a protozoan cattle isease resembling redwater, transmitted by ticks(4,5,5) - - - - C-A-T - - - - -
21a situated in or derived from the inside of a bone(9) E-D- - - - - L