Dear smudge, This is a message from the Answerbank Support Team. Thank you for your feedback. We have been experiencing technical issues recently on The AnswerBank and therefore the site has been...
stumped, pls help 1.Worker at the front has stroke in game [8 letters] -- -- -- -- -- a -- -- 2.Its a lie that a deserter is up to swindle [10] -- -- r -- -- -- -- -- l -- 3.It turns out that...
Is it possible to create a new file and be able to stop anyone else getting in to that file or even reading it from within some other programme? I want to create a 'christmas prezzie' list and stop...
The initials and numbers all correspond to well known phrases, items or places. eg. 1ap2ap,HCB = 1 a penny 2 a penny Hot Cross Buns as you can see i am stuck on 3, so any help would be great. 12dDoC =...
A friend of mine has a laptop witht the homepage set to Yahoo but the address bar & section below with 'file, edit, view', etc has disappeared. It was there two weeks ago when I last saw her but...
whale polar bear seal penguin and it isnt that penguins are birds or that polar bears are the only one's that always live on land. see if you can think of other answers.
Need some help please. For example - Rotating Rocks ( 7 6) Rolling Stones San Francisco Waves (3 4 7) Bay City Rollers We're stuck on 4 - can you come up with any brilliant answers? A contemplative...