28a Stop clubs gaining wealth. Ans must be c ease -but how does wealth =ease, please? Tried several thesauruses without success and can't think of a sentence where you can substitute one for the... ...
.... because, supported by the church, and despite being a convicted criminal, he claimed to have converted to Christianity. Last night's BBC news showed his Islamic... ...
According to Simon Clader (The Independent’s travel correspondent) over 100,000 Brits could lose their holiday – another Brexit benefit. Halleluiah, praise the... ...
Why are we not hearing from those anti Brexit about holiday makers to Spain and its islands being limited to 6 free drinks a day, having to wear shirts and football tops being banned in some... ...
My Grandaughter lives with us 90% of the time, for the last 4 weeks she comes home from school and sometimes brings her friend with her, straight from school and sometimes her friend comes round... ...
They do say that any item is only worth what someone is prepared to pay. The five pound coin. Details below are crucial so mind you dont confuse with other five pound coins. UK Royal mint, 1999-2000... ...
The main complaints appear to centre around hospital services but in my experience GP services are far worse. Unless you turn up at A&E and clog up an already over-burdened department even more,... ...
My Mums house was damaged last year by a tree that blew over from the house next door to her. The house next door belongs to the local council. We contacted them, and they asked us to get the... ...
Jeremy Hunt was forced to defend comments he made about his salary of £100K when saying it is not a huge salary!!!!! Who's he kidding!!! He is trying to make out it is not enough when paying for a... ...
Seems like the Truth is out at last.The V&A Museum has labelled Margaret Thatcher as a Villain and an unpopular Public Figure. The museum has placed Britains first female PM alongside....Adolf... ...
https://news.sky.com/story/video-appears-to-show-french-police-using-aggressive-tactics-against-small-boats-carrying-migrants-across-channel-13101048 Well done France now we should be doing the... ...
You know how there's a massive initiative these days to reduce plastic to obtain an healthier environment and to achieve this we are transitioning to paper products - cups, bags, straws etc? I... ...