Nasty one this week, can't get started at all! 1 ac Perhaps one playing in crib game cut the king of diamonds? (4, 4) ? 12 ac Ill-fated forerunners in Irish naval adventurehead off wary (12) ? 4 d...
Sage bush given oxygen: at last green leaves ????O Degrees of the ocean, you might say? C?????S Perhaps iron man (leading cricketer) has fruit wrapper?????A?C? State briefly: Boatman's at bottom of...
Confirmation of answers from earlier posting clue- Save up for a place abroad. answer-RABAT. why? clue- Port discarded with Italian food. answer-BLINI. why?
Help! Completely stuck. HIM ??????? Cake(Lots cut) ?U?I ...but short in this ???A???N Folly dated 23 ?D???Y (23 is DISEASE) One in 6 ??I? (6 looks like COMMUNICATION no idea why?) Liking liquor ?R??...