Do you have any “favourite words”? That is those words that you like to use a lot,or words that you like to put into your conversations,maybe just to confuse friends and make them think...
Another late night "punchup" http://www.theanswerb...k/Question858898.html Whether it is an early morning fracas, an afternoon fracas or a late evening fracas, there is a core, a nucleus of...
Black preacher telling his outside congregation that "The white man cannot save us, only god can help" Cheeky sod saying this against a backdrop of aid being brought ashore. I am going to...
Maybe this should go under "Business" ... I'm not sure. Over coffee this morning, I read the details of the Bond Issue Prospectus, seeking to raise £500m. The Prospecus declares that...
At the moment, in theory at least if BMI is > 40 then they should, but they aren't apparently. Anyway is this something that the NHS should pay for at all: I tend...
Someone just manage to wrap-encode a virus in a .jpg
I've got some serious issues going on now, multiple tasks running and also a few registry codes going AWOL....